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J-1, Exchange Visitors

The J-1 visa is a nonimmigrant status for an exchange visitor wishing to stay temporarily in the U.S. There are a number of different programs included in the J1 visa category: trainee, student, professor or research scholar, short-term scholar, non-academic specialist, foreign physician, international visitor, teacher, government visitor, camp counselor, au pair or summer student in a travel/work program.

The exchange visitor (J) nonimmigrant visa category is provided for persons who are approved to participate in exchange visitor programs in the U.S., under provisions of U.S. immigration law. This means that before you can apply at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate for a J visa, you must first apply, meet the requirements, and be accepted for one of the Exchange Visitor Program categories through a designated sponsoring organization.

A J-1 applicant must be fluent in English and maintain sufficient funds and adequate medical insurance.